Square Dance Tutorial

Counter Rotate

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In a diamond, two people (the "centers") are close to each other, and close to the middle of the formation. The two other dancers (the "points") are further from each other and further away from the middle of the formation.

During a counter rotate, each dancer remains the same distance from the center point of the formation, moving in a circle. Because in a diamond there are dancers at two different distances from the center point, dancers will be moving in two different circles.

The centers of a diamond are holding hands in the middle of the diamond, so during a Counter Rotate they are simply walking forward around that spot, continuing to hold hands. For them, a Counter Rotate 1/4 is like a Hinge.

The points of a diamond are further away from that center point, so they walk forward in a larger circle.

Note that the centers remain centers and the points remain points.

This is different from a Diamond Circulate. In a Diamond Circulate, the centers become points and the points become centers. In a Diamond Circulate, the dancers are moving from spot to spot within a fixed formation. When Counter Rotate is applied to a diamond, the spots move along with the dancers, forming a new diamond oriented toward a different wall, with each dancer retaining his or her role (center or point).